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Flags and their meanings

Please note that this is by no means an exhaustive list of flags, there are well over 100. These are the ones that The Gay Glass Stall uses to make their items. More will be added as they are included in our range.



Abrosexual is a term for an individual whose sexuality is changing or fluid. Abrosexual people experience changes in who they are attracted to and how intense their attraction is.  Read more here.



Agender peope are those who identify as having no gender, an unidentifiable gender, or gender-neutral. Agender can also mean someone who doesn’t care about gender, and doesn’t want a label on their external or internal identity. Read more here.



Androgyne is a non-binary gender identity in which one is simultaneously male and female. An Androgynous person presents as neither male nor female but rather a combination of the two. 



Aroace is a mix of Aromantic (feels little to no romantic attraction) and Asexual (feels little to no sexual attraction). This does not mean that Aroace people are not capable of having a relationship with another person. 



An Aromantic person feels little to no romantic attraction to others. They may not experience romantic feelings but they can still have deep, meaningful, and lasting connections with others. Aromantic people are capable of love, but they don't feel romance.



Asexual is a term used to describe people who feel little to no sexual attraction to others. They may well feel romantic attraction and love but rarely  feel any desire or need for sexual contact. Read more here.



An Autigender person feels that their Autism affects their gender or experience of gender.  Autigender is not autism as a gender, but is having a gender that is so heavily influenced by autism that one’s gendered and autism cannot be unlinked. Read more here.



Bear is a term used to define a large and cuddly/hairy gay or bisexual man. A Bear will often display signs of rugged masculinity and is usually of a large size. Facial hair is often grown by those identifying as Bears.



Bigender people experience two genders. These can be any gender identities, be they binary or non-binary. Bigender people may experience both genders at once or flow between the two.



A Bisexual person is sexually or romantically attracted to two gender identities. These can be any gender identities, be they binary or non-binary. Bisexuality does not need to be acted on to be a part of someone's identity. Read more here.


Butch Lesbian

A Butch Lesbian is a woman who is attracted to other women. Butch Lesbians will often dress/present themselves in a masculine fashion and often bind their chests. Sometimes they take on masculine names and pronouns.


Cat Gender

A person who feels a strong connection to cats. These people are often neurodivergent and may feel that their connection to cats influences their gender identity. Most Cat Gender people do not actually identify as cats, they just feel a strong connection to them.



Demiboy refers to a person who partially identifies as male. These people often have a primary identity of Agender or Non Binary but also feel partially male. The gender they were assigned at birth often feels wrong to them. Read more here.



Demigirl refers to a person who partially identifies as female. These people often have a primary identity of Agender or Non Binary but also feel partially female. The gender they were assigned at birth often feels wrong to them. Read more here.



A Demisexual person will only feel sexual attraction to another person once they have formed strong, emotional bonds with them.  It is very unusual for a person who identifies as Demisexual to have sex outside of an emotional relationship. Read more here.


Drag Pride

Drag refers to a person adopting clothing and makeup to create an exagerated caricature of a woman. The majority of Drag Queens are men, however it is also possible for a woman or non-binary person to be a Drag Artist.

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Gay Man

A man who is sexually/romantically attracted to men. The Gay Man flag is often referred to as the MLM flag (men loving men). The flag is inclusive of all Gay Men, irrespective of their individual gender identities.



Genderfluid means a person embraces an adaptable nature to the concept of gender identity and gender expression. They can be one gender, multiple genders, or no gender. Read more here.

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Gender Non-conforming

A person who does not conform to the behaviour roles associated with their gender that society expects.  This behaviour can include dress, behaviour and appearance. Read more here.



A persons whose gender identity does not align with conventional heterosexual or homosexual norms. These people do not feel that any of the existing terms quite fit their experience of their own gender.  Read more here.

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Ginger Pride

The Ginger Pride flag was created as a way to take back the word 'ginger' from being an insult to redheads to a thing to be proud of. Ginger Pride is used by both redheads and those who are attracted solely to those with red hair.  



A person who is mostly straight but occasionally attracted (and open to having relationships with) people of the same gender. Slightly different to Bisexual as Heteroflexible people have mainly straight relationships.



Intersex is a term that a person may use when they have both male and female sex characteristics. These characteristics include genitalia, hormones, chromosomes, and reproductive organs. Read more here.


Leather Pride

A (usually) gay man who embraces the leather subculture. Leather culture is practices and styles of dress organized around sexual activities that involve leather garments, such as leather jackets, vests, boots, chaps, harnesses, or other items. Read more here.

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Leather Girl

A woman who embraces the leather subculture. Leather culture is practices and styles of dress organized around sexual activities that involve leather garments, such as leather jackets, vests, boots, chaps, harnesses, or other items. Read more here.



Lesbian is a term used to describe a woman who is emotionally, physically and sexually attracted to other women. Read more here.



A person who identifies as Maverique does not feel that they are male, female, or any other defined gender. The are not genderless people but those who have a strong sense of a gender that is not defined. Read more here.



Neutrois means gender neutral or without gender. Neutrois people feel that they do not have a gender and are often indifferent to feeling that they should define themselves as a particular gender.

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Non Binary

A Non Binary person is neither male nor female. Non-binary people can feel that their gender identity and gender experience involves being both a man and a woman, or that it is fluid, in between, or completely outside of that binary. Read more here.



Omnisexual people are attracted to all other gender identities. This is slightly different to Pansexual in that an Omnisexual person notices gender but doesn't care about it. Read more here.



A person whose gender identity is not limited  to one gender and may encompass all genders at once. Read more here.



A Pansexual person is attracted to others without noticing their gender. This is slightly different to Omnisexual people who notice gender but don't care. Read more here.



A person who has consensual open, intimate or romantic relationships with more than one person at a time. Read more here.

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New flag voted in in 2022. A person who has consensual open, intimate or romantic relationships with more than one person at a time. Read more here.



A Polysexual person is attracted to multiple but not all gender identities. It is similar to Bisexual but different in that the person is attracted to multiple genders rather than just two. Read more here.



A person who feels an extremely strong connection to puppies, either strongly identifying with them or incorporating them  into their gender. 

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Puppy Pride

A member of the Pet Play community.  This can take many forms, from simply enjoying the headspace  to wearing a pup hood, pup mitts or other pup gear to playing with other pups or even playing with someone who role plays as a handler. Read more here.

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Rainbow Pride

A flag to cover all LGBTQI+ identities and sexualities.  The colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community and the spectrum of human sexuality and gender.

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Rubber Pride

This flag represents the rubber or latex fetish subculture in the LGBTQ+ community. 



A Skoliosexual person is attracted to those who are Transgender or Non Binary. These people may or may not also be attracted to cis gendered people. Read more here.



Women who love other women. It’s an umbrella term for Lesbians, Bisexual/Pansexual women, and Queer women. Read more here.



A Transgender person (often abbreviated to Trans person) is someone whose gender identity or gender expression or both do not conform to that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birthRead more here.



Trigender people experience three gender identities. These can be any gender identities. Read more here.



A Twink is a young or young looking Gay or Bisexual man. These men often go to great lengths to preserve the appearance of youth, both in their dress and facial features.

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